The world of vaginal laser treatments has begun to grow and gain much media coverage. As more women are taking an interest in educating themselves regarding their options for feminine health and appearance, medical device companies are taking note. From advertising the tightening of the vaginal canal to vaginal cellular rejuvenation, there are now more technological advancements than ever before to help women reclaim their confidence and overall vaginal health. So, what are the most well-known vaginal lasers in the field of vaginal health? There are 3 major vaginal laser devices: MonaLisa Touch®, Femilift™, and ThermiVa®. All three of the laser are non-invasive, non-surgical, require no anesthesia and no downtime.
The MonaLisa Touch®, which is our professional recommendation, focuses on treating the symptoms of Vulvo-Vaginal Atrophy (VVA). These symptoms can present with menopause, while breastfeeding, and can often be associated with breast cancer treatments. Most commonly, VVA patients experience vaginal dryness and burning, discomfort or pain during intercourse, urinary incontinence, and/or vaginal discharge. The MonaLisa Touch works by using a CO2 laser to promote the restoration of the vaginal skin in a safe, painless technique. By delivering pulses of energy to the deep and superficial tissue, this procedure helps to stimulate collagen regrowth and restore blood flow to the tissues, thus eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of VVA. Over 20,000 women have been treated with the MonaLisa Touch, and none have reported any adverse reactions to the procedure. The only side effect involved is discomfort or light vaginal spotting within the first 24 hours after the procedure and is more likely due to the probe itself than the laser treatment.
The FemiLift™ laser can be used to treat the symptoms of VVA as well and also advertises to address vaginal laxity (overstretched vaginal tissues and muscles) that is often associated with childbirth, weight loss and the general aging process. FemiLift also uses CO2 laser technology to deliver a deep thermal effect to the vaginal tissues, which claims to result in tightening and restoration of collagen levels. Little is known to date regarding the longevity of results experienced with FemiLift laser tightening. The only way to ensure you get tighter, long-lasting results is surgically – with surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation.
Lastly, the ThermiVa® treatment uses radiofrequency energy to address skin and muscle laxity mostly and focuses on vaginal tightening. The energy delivered to the tissues is a temperature-controlled radio frequency that delivers heat to the tissues and results in tightening of the vaginal muscles and skin. ThermiVa results are only intended to last 9-12 months. For for long-lasting vaginal tightening, surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation is a better option. Although risks are low for ThermiVa procedures, radiofrequency devices can theoretically cause blisters and burns. One other risk that physicians have reported using radiofrequency devices is getting the vagina too tight.
When choosing a treatment or procedure, it’s important to be educated and aware of your options. We hope this post has provided some insight on what’s out there and what’s available, along with the benefits and risks of each.
To assess your own personal needs and the best choice of treatment options for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Brady today!